Infant Care: What does a Newborn Needs?

From the first day of pregnancy, a parent’s thoughts turn to the baby. However, if this is your first child, you’re likely to be unfamiliar with infant care.

We’ve been there, and we’re here to help you with everything you need to know about caring for your newborn in those first few weeks, which can be both joyful and frustrating.

As you negotiate these early months, keep in mind that having a newborn is a significant transition for everyone.

It’s conceivable you’re still recovering following the birth of your child. Throughout the baby stage, you may feel a variety of emotions. Your baby’s newborn stage lasts for the first two months of his or her life.

You’ll want to integrate the infant as much as possible into your family and home. For the first few months, it’s better to go with the flow than to try to stick to a strict schedule.

Learn everything you need to know about preparing for and managing life with a newborn by reading on.

Infant Care: What are the necessities?

Relatives and friends are frequently eager to assist. Don’t discount their experience just because you disagree with them on some points. However, if you don’t feel up to receiving visitors or have other worries, don’t feel bad about imposing restrictions on them.

Taking care of an Infant:

The fragility of infants can be daunting if you haven’t spent much time around them. Here are some fundamentals to keep in mind for infant care:

  • Keep your baby’s head and neck supported.
  • Before handling your baby, wash your hands (use hand sanitizer). Make sure everyone who meets your kid has clean hands.
  • Double-check that your kid is safely secured while sitting or leaning. Activities that are bouncy or rough should be avoided.
  • Remember not to shake the infant . It might result in brain hemorrhage and possibly death.
  • Avoid any sort of rough play.

Also Read: How to care for the Infants at home?

The Connection:

Bonding is one of the special aspects of infant care. It occurs during the starting hours and days following birth. when parents form a close bond with the baby.

The connection helps children develop emotionally, also impacts other crucial development areas, such as physical growth. Bonding can also be described as “falling in love” with the infant.

Parents must provide a physical touch by holding the infant against their skin when nursing or loving him or her.

Infant massage gives a positive effect on babies. Certain types of massage help the growth and development of the newborn along with the bonding. However, keep in mind that baby muscles aren’t as powerful as adults, so massage your baby gently.

Talking, chattering, singing, and cooing are common vocal noises that babies enjoy. Your infant will most likely enjoy listening to music as well. Other techniques to boosting your baby’s hearing include baby rattles and musical mobiles.

Keep noise and light levels low if this is the situation with your baby.

Infant care: Swathing

Another soothing technique that first-time parents should learn is Swathing, which works effectively for some newborns during their first few weeks. Swathing properly keeps a baby’s arms close to the body while allowing for some leg movement. It not only keeps the baby warm but also gives them a sense of security and comfort. Swathing can also assist to reduce the startle response, which can cause a baby to wake up.

Here’s how you wrap a baby in a blanket:

  • Fold one corner of the receiving blanket over slightly and spread it out.
  • Place the infant on the blanket, face-up, with his or her head above the folded corner.
  • Bring the bottom corner up over the baby’s feet and draw it toward the head. Make sure not to encircle the hips too tightly. The hips and knees should be bowed and turned out slightly. Hip dysplasia can be exacerbated by wrapping your baby too tightly.
  • Wrap the left corner of the blanket around the baby’s torso and tuck it under the right arm.
  • Wrap the right corner of the blanket over the infant and tuck it under the left side of the baby’s back, exposing only the neck and head. Make sure you can put a hand between the blanket and your baby’s chest to ensure that he or she is not too tightly wrapped. This allows easy breathing.

However, make sure the blanket is not too loose or it will fall undone. After the age of two months, babies should not be swaddled. Some newborns can roll over while being swaddled, which increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome or commonly known as SIDS.

Also Read: Essential Things You Should Buy for Your Baby

Infant care: Diapers

You’ll probably decide whether to use cloth or disposable diapers before you bring your kid home. Regardless of which method you employ, your child will need to change his or her diaper about 10 times every day.

Before you start diapering your baby, Make sure to take:

  • Clean diaper
  • Fasteners (for pre-fold diapers)
  • Diaper ointment
  • Diaper wipes (or warm water with clean washcloth/cotton balls)

Lay your baby on his or her back after each bowel movement or if the diaper is damp, and remove the soiled diaper. Wipe the genital areas of the newborn clean with water, cotton balls, or wipes.

Diaper must be removed carefully because the sudden exposure to the air may cause the newborn to urinate. To avoid a urinary tract infection, clean a girl’s bottom from front to back when wiping her (UTI). Apply ointment to a rash to prevent or treat it. After changing a diaper, make sure to properly wash your hands.

Diaper rash is a very common issue. Try these tips to prevent or heal diaper rash:

  • Change your baby’s diaper frequently and as soon as bowel movements occur.
  • Wash the clothes dye/fragrance free detergents.
  • Clean the area gently with mild soap and water (wipe can irritates skin), then apply a thick layer of diaper rash or “barrier” cream.
  • Allow the baby to be in COMMANDO MODE for a portion of the day. This provides an opportunity for the skin to breathe.

Call your doctor if the diaper rash lasts more than three days or appears to be getting worse; it could be caused by a fungal infection that requires a prescription.

Also Read: A doctor’s checklist for baby proof product recommendations

Infant care: Bathing

After the umbilical cord breaks off and the navel heals completely (1–4 weeks), you should give your infant a sponge bath. It takes 1–2 weeks for the circumcision to heal.

In the first year, a bath two or three times per week is sufficient. Bathing more frequently may be drying to the skin.

Before bathing your baby, make sure you have the following supplies on hand:

  • A soft and clean washcloth
  • A soft brush to stimulate the scalp of the baby
  • Unscented, gentle baby soap
  • A clean diaper
  • Clean clothes and towels

Sponge baths: 

Choose a safe, flat surface in a warm room for a sponge wash. Fill a sink or a dish with warm (Luke warm) water if available. Remove your baby’s clothing and wrap him or her in a towel. Start washing your infant’s eyes with a wet washcloth (clean cotton ball) and wipe from the inner corner to the outer corner, starting with one eye. Wash the other eye with a clean corner of the washcloth or a cotton ball. With the damp washcloth, clean your baby’s nose and ears. Then re-wet the cloth and gently wash his or her face with a little soap and pat it dry.

Create a lather with baby shampoo and gently wash your baby’s head before rinsing. Gently wash the rest of the infant with a moist cloth and soap, paying particular attention to the creases under the arms, behind the ears, around the neck, and in the genital area. After you’ve cleaned those areas, make sure they’re completely dry before diapering and dressing your baby.

Tub baths:

When your infant is ready for tub bathing, start with gentle, short baths. Return to sponge baths for a week or two if he or she becomes agitated, then try the bath again.

An infant tub filled with 2 to 3 inches of Luke warm water, in addition to the goods listed above (feel the water with the inside of your elbow or wrist for testing the temperature). An infant tub is a small plastic tub that fits in the bathtub and makes bathing easier for babies.

To avoid chills, undress your infant and quickly set him or her in the water in a warm room. Make sure the water in the tub isn’t more than 2 to 3 inches deep, and that the faucet is turned off. One hand should support the baby’s head, while the other should guide the infant in feet-first. Slowly lower your infant up to his or her chest into the tub while speaking softly.

Wash his or her face and hair with a washcloth. Massage your baby’s scalp gently using your fingers or a soft baby hairbrush, paying special attention to the area above the fontanelles (soft spots) on the top of the head.

When rinsing your baby’s head with soap or shampoo, cup your palm across the forehead to direct the suds to the sides and keep soap out of the eyes. Using water and a small bit of soap, gently wash the rest of your baby’s body.

Throughout the bath, gently pour water over your baby’s body to keep him or her from becoming cold. Wrap your infant in a towel right after the bath, being careful to cover his or her head. Hooded baby towels are ideal for keeping a freshly bathed infant warm.

Never leave your baby unattended when bathing. Wrap the infant in a towel and take him or her with you if you need to leave the bathroom.

Also Read: 5 Best Baby Bathing Products for a Happy Bathing Time

Infant Care: Feeding

Whether you’re breastfeeding or bottle-feeding your baby, you may be unsure how often to feed them. In general, newborns should be fed on demand — anytime they appear hungry.

Every 2 to 3 hours, a newborn baby should be fed. Allow your infant to nurse for 10–15 minutes at each breast if you’re breastfeeding. If you’re using the formula, your baby will probably drink about 2–3 ounces (60–90 milliliters) per feeding.

To ensure that they get enough to feed, some infants may need to be awakened every several hours.

If you’re formula-feeding, it’s simple to see if your kid is receiving enough to eat; but, if you’re nursing, it’s a little more difficult. Your kid is probably eating enough if he or she appears satisfied, has around six wet diapers and many stools each day, sleeps well, and gains weight regularly.

Another way to know if your baby is getting milk is to note if your breasts feel full before feeding and then empty afterward. If you’re worried about your child’s growth or eating schedule, talk to your doctor.

During feedings, babies frequently swallow air, which can make them irritable. Burp your baby frequently to help prevent this. If you’re bottle-feeding, burp your infant every 2–3 ounces (60–90 milliliters) and every time you switch breasts if you’re breastfeeding.

If your baby is gassy, has gastroesophageal reflux, or appears irritable while eating, burp him or her after every ounce of bottle-feeding or every 5 minutes of nursing.

The Burping Tricks:

  • Hold your infant upright with his or her head on your shoulder while burping. Support your baby’s head and back with one hand while rubbing his back softly with the other.
  • Place your infant on your lap, face down. Support your baby’s head by gently patting or rubbing his or her back, making sure it’s higher than his or her chest.
  • Place your child on your lap. With one hand, support your baby’s chest and head by cradling his chin in the palm of your hand and resting the heel of your hand on his chest (be cautious, hold the chin not throat). Gently pat your baby’s back with the other hand.

If your infant doesn’t burp after a few minutes, alter the baby’s position and try burping again before feeding. When feeding time is finished, burp your baby and keep him or her upright for at least 10–15 minutes to avoid spitting up.

Also Read: Hygienic Containers for a Healthy Baby

Infant Care: Sleeping

As a new parent, you may be astonished to hear that your newborn, who appears to require your attention at all times of the day, sleep for 16 or more hours.

Newborns usually sleep for 2–4 hours at a time. Expect your baby to wake up every few hours if he or she hasn’t been fed for four hours. Babies’ digestive systems are so little that they require nourishment every few hours (depends on the problem related to weight gain).

When will your infant be able to sleep through the night? At 3 months of age, most babies sleep through the night (6–8 hours), but if yours doesn’t, don’t worry.

Babies, like adults, must develop their sleep patterns and cycles, so don’t be discouraged if your newborn is gaining weight and appears healthy but hasn’t slept through the night at three months.

Always place babies on their backs while sleeping. Other safe sleeping practices include not putting blankets, quilts or pillows and sharing a bedroom (not bed) with the parents for the first 6 months to a year. To avoid the formation of a flat spot on one side of the head, alternate the position of your baby’s head from night to night.

The days and nights of many babies are “mixed up.” At night, they are more awake and aware, and during the day, they are more tired. Keeping stimuli to a bare minimum at night is one method to assist them. Reduce the amount of light in the room, for example, by using a nightlight. Talking and playing with your infant should be done during the day. When your baby wakes up during the day, talk and play with him or her to keep him or her awake a little longer.

Even if you’re nervous about handling a newborn, you’ll create a routine and be parenting like an expert in a matter of weeks.

Also Read: Safety Blanket For Concerned Parents!

Why Choose Safe-O-Kid?

Simply because you and your growing baby deserve the best, and Safe-O-Kid spends time researching and developing all of its products to ensure your child’s safety and security.

As your kid grows and expands its horizons, our specialists recognize that he or she requires a safe and secure environment in which to explore and learn. Our cutting-edge baby-proofing solutions ensure that you may satisfy your child’s curiosity without placing him or her in danger. We see it as our obligation to relieve you of the burden of ensuring your child’s safety by providing you with a variety of goods that you can put to use right away.

Whether your child is in the safety of your home or exploring the world outside, our extensive range of baby proofing solutions guarantees that all potential physical risks are eliminated.

Parents and pediatricians have relied on our products for the safety of babies and toddlers for decades. The faith that parents and experts have in our brand drives us to continue inventing and giving better solutions every day. We make it a point to maintain your trust by putting our items through the most rigorous quality and durability inspections before they reach you.

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