Why Rely on Mosquito Repellent Spray for Your Kid?

All of us don’t want our kids to be grounded in our homes. What if it is a matter of protecting them from mosquito borne diseases such as Malaria, Dengue, Chikunguniya, Zika and many more? No doubt, we will start restricting them from going outside. After all, who would like to compromise on their children’s safety. Be it home or outside, your kid is always surrounded by these blood sucking monsters.

So, if you are looking for the best anti-mosquito product for your little angel then Safe-O-Kid’s mosquito repellent spray is the one-stop solution for you. This mosquito repellent spray is a very effective product which has been testified by international experts for lasting effectiveness and zero side effects.

Safeokid Spray

Top Reasons to Choose Safe-O-Kid Mosquito Repellent Spray for Your Baby:

  • Safe-O-Kid’s Mosquito Repellent spray targets and blocks mosquito sensory mechanism due to which your kid becomes invisible to them.
  • Additionally, the spray does not contain any harmful chemicals such as Euclyptus, DEET, Picaridin, alcohol etc. as these chemicals may affect your kid’s nervous and respiratory system. Also, it may lead to discomfort or side effects such as seizures.
  • This mosquito repellent spray contains 6 synergistic safe & natural ingredients (citronella oil (34.0%), Rosemary oil(18.0%), lavender oil(17.0%), Geranium oil(17.0%), Mint oil(11.5%), Clove Oil (2.5%))carefully researched and blended in right ratios.
  • It has been made especially for kids as it is 100% safe because of no use of alcohol/aerosol.
  • Moreover, it does not need to be applied on the skin of your baby, instead you can spray it on the clothes/ strollers/ bed etc. of your little one.
  • The spray is considered to be best for the kids who avoid bands/ patches OR loose them frequently.
  • Also, it is weather proof and works effectively even outside your home

So, if you want to ensure that your kids are protected while they are on the move or even in the home then, Safe-O-Kid mosquito repellent spray is a must buy product for you. So, now don’t delay, hury up! And get this amazing product to safeguard your kids from mosquitoes.

About Safe-O-Kid Mosquito Repellant Products (A Part of Baby Safety Inc)

Safe-O-Kid range of mosquito repellent products is the safest way to protect little ones from mosquito bites both inside the house and outside. The products are designed especially for kids and are tested by international experts for lasting effectiveness and zero side effects.

Being a brand totally dedicated to children’s safety, Safe-O-Kid does NOT use any ingredients harmful for kids (No Eucalyptus extracts and No DEET/ Picardin/Alcohol like chemicals) as such ingredients might interfere with child’s nervous and respiratory systems and cause discomfort or severe side effects like seizures.

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