Baby Proofing is tough? Well, Not Anymore!

Home is a safe haven for people who live in it. This safe place becomes even more special when we welcome a little one into our homes. We do everything in our control to make sure that nothing bad ever happens to our child. Watching your child is like watching your heart walk outside of your body. We do everything in our reach to give our children the best with the resources available to us. As our little ones grow up they love playing hide and seek and looking out of the windows. If a little bird fascinates them and they climb up all sorts of furniture just to get another glimpse of the bird. In the older times when there were joint families, there was always someone around to keep an eye on the children but today with nuclear families and working parents, it is becoming more and more difficult to constantly be with the children.
Places like shopping malls, offices, schools also must be safe for the children to avoid any accidents. They say it is better to be safe than sorry, thus steps should be taken before any mishaps. Children are the images of God and we do not want God to get hurt. Do we? We should make sure that all the places which are frequented by children should be safe. Window rails must be installed in all such buildings.
In today’s time with the coming up of concrete jungles all over the world, it becomes even more important to cover all grounds. The skyscrapers even though beautiful are scary when it comes to keeping children safe. The high-rise buildings need to be made safe for all age groups. Be it infants, toddlers, teens, children, youngsters, middle-aged, or seniors.  Hotels, restaurants, and resorts also offer the parents a choice of child-proof/ baby-proof rooms. These are steps to ensure that the parents enjoy their holidays as much as the children do.
Child Proofing is the “in” thing today. Parents have become more aware of the different hazards. Childproofing has become a major industry today. There are different ways one can child-proof their houses, place of work, etc. Some of these are:
The electrical sockets must be covered or stuffed so that the children do not put their fingers in the socket. The children are inquisitive and do not know that there might be an accident. So steps should be taken to ensure that they don’t stick their fingers where they don’t belong.
There are swimming pools in the apartment premises as well as individual villas, these pools when not in use should be fenced. The child may walk out without the knowledge of the parents and fall into the pool. Also. We must be very careful during bath times and make sure there is always an adult present to look after the child.
Cleaning agents are stocked in all our houses for some purpose or the other. These chemicals are harmful to children as well as elders. These chemicals must be locked up or stored on higher shelves so that children cannot access them. Accidentally inhaling or consuming such chemicals can prove to be fatal.
Smoke alarms are a necessity in houses and public places today, the smoke detectors and alarms play a very important role in keeping our children safe in case of fires.
Medicines have to be stored in the topmost cupboards and only the elders should have access to the keys to the cabinets. These cabinets must be kept locked at all times to ensure that no wrong medicine is consumed by the children
The sharp edges of tables and other furniture need to be covered with guards so that there is no accident while your little ones enjoy crawling. There are chances that they’ll bump their head on something. If the edges are rounded and covered, we can become children and crawl with our child too without having to worry all the time.
Growing children are curious and want to reach all corners of the house. The stove knobs should be locked so that there is no accidental leakage of gas.
Staircases must also be blocked so that the child does not climb up the stairs without any assistance from the elders.
Various devices are available in the market to help us make the environment safe for our children. One of them is the rail for windows.
Window rails need to be installed when there are children in the house and the buildings are high. These Window Rails allow the parents to be sure that the children are safe even when they are not paying attention or are busy. These window rails as the name suggest are installed on windows so that there are fewer chances of somebody falling out of the window.
Window rails are easy to install so that we can do it ourselves rather than calling different people into our homes to do it for us. In a world where we are in the middle of a scary pandemic where we do not even meet our near and dear ones in the fear of being infected. Imagine bringing an outsider to fix the rails. These window rails can be easily installed by us.
Window rails do not need any tools to be installed. There is no need to drill holes or dirty the house to install these rails. They can be easily and comfortably done with minimum trouble.
Window rails use pressure to be mounted, this ensures that the rails do not come off easily when pulled or leaned upon.
Window rails can be installed while your child is asleep as there is no use of any kind of power tools, the noise of which will disturb your child’s sleep.
Window rails are versatile and can be fitted in all types of windows like open windows, sliding windows, flat windows, bay windows, removable sliding windows, etc.
Imagine getting a call from your friends informing you that they are coming to stay for a week with their children. You love big ceiling-to-floor windows and have them all over your house. You panic because you are scared that there is surely going to be an accident. But you need not worry because Window Rails come to your rescue. These can be installed within no time; it’s almost a child’s play to install these window rail guards.
With children not going to school because of the unprecedented pandemic, window rails are like a dream come true. You don’t have to constantly worry about your child. You can also put up your feet with a glass of wine and relax. That’s what most of us wish for when we have children. We do not get time for ourselves when we worry about our child’s safety. The window rails will give you peace of mind. Window rails allow your children to watch the sunrise and the sunset without you hovering around them in fear.  These are better than playpens where the child is confined to a small space and has no freedom to move. The Window rails allow your child to move around the house freely without being scared.
The world that we live in today is very different from the world before the pandemic. The children went to daycare and came home tired just to fall asleep immediately. But the children are stuck at home. The window rails allow you and your children to enjoy the outside view and fresh air without any worry whatsoever. Few minutes of the day spent with your child enjoying nature outside can lead to healthy living and the creation of a bond between the children and the parents.   A child can sense the emotions of a parent and vice versa, thus, the child knows when you are anxious and when you are relaxed. The child gets agitated when you are angry and these window rails will calm you and your child by providing a sense of security.
We have already experienced two waves of the deadly virus and the experts say that we are heading towards the third wave. I don’t see the children walking out of the house anytime soon. So we are stuck and so are they. We need to make sure that the children are safe in the house because it can be a long long time before we step out of the house without fear and hug our favorite people without being scared for our lives. We need to adapt to the new lives. It is difficult to stay at home all the time with the constant fear of accidents happening around the house. There are many other things to worry about so the least we can do is eliminate the things that can be easily solved like installing window rails on all the windows of the house without worrying about what sizes to order as these rails for windows are extendable and fit any window without any trouble. So, get yourselves the window rails that you have been planning to get forever but have not gotten around to ordering in the fear of all the noise and disturbances that are associated with fixing things around the house.

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